︎                 Marine One

Unititled (Marcus), 2022 , interactive installation
Fabric, air pump, wire, footswitch, bolloon and toy stuffing

Untitled (Marcus) comprises a life-size doll, a head featuring a printed male face, and a machine connected to air pumps. When activated by the audience through a footswitch, the balloon inside the head begins to inflate, transforming the fabric into a complete spherical shape. This alteration intensifies the gaze from the face towards the audience, enhancing its clarity.

The aim is to explore the dynamic between the audience and the artwork, striving to endow both with agency and influence, rather than treating the artwork as a mere object of observation. This artwork establishes a power dynamic between itself and the audience. When the audience triggers the machine, the head inflates, prompting it to maintain an unbroken stare, thereby compelling the audience to reciprocate that gaze.

The choice of the body's posture and facial expression is deliberate and draws inspiration from the male gaze theory. The utilization of a posture reminiscent of "manspreading" and an almost overly relaxed demeanor serves to evoke judgmental responses from the audience. This signifies a potential shift in the agency of the gaze, suggesting that the artwork itself may wield the power of observation, rather than solely the audience.