︎                 Marine One


Marine One (b. 1997, Tokyo) is a visual artist who works in a range of media, including painting, sculpture, video and textiles.
She received a Master’s degree in Fine art at Central Saint Martins in 2022, London.
Her works have been exhibited in several exhibitions in Milan and London.

The captivating sensation of discomfort that arises when confronted with uncanny, strange, and intriguing imagery serves as a central pillar of my artistic creations. This deliberately cultivated sense of unease plays a crucial role in my work, inviting viewers to delve into the intricate interplay between familiarity and the unknown.

My belief centers around the idea that by immersing the audience within the very fabric of the artwork, the traditional divisions of active versus passive participation and the roles of viewer versus exhibit can be dismantled. This dissolution of conventional boundaries empowers the artwork to transcend its traditional status as a passive object of observation. Instead, it emerges as an active force, capable of profoundly influencing how it is perceived and interpreted by those who engage with it.

As spectators grapple with the juxtaposition of the ordinary and the extraordinary, the unsettling and the comforting, they are propelled into a space where preconceived notions are disrupted. This shift from passive observation to active engagement is the cornerstone of my creative philosophy. Through meticulously composed visuals that merge the known with the inexplicable, I aim to invite viewers into a state of cognitive dissonance that opens doors to fresh perspectives and introspection.